Saturday, November 17, 2007

{ It's Getting There! }

Well It's Saturday and Lloyd is actually home working on OUR back bedroom! It's hard to tell from the pictures, but the texture is all done and now Lloyd is putting up the trim work. Then we can spray primer the whole room,Yeah!!!
More Pictures to come.


  1. I don't envy you. Hope it's done for ya soon.

  2. Yaayyyyy!!! Tell him he can come over here and winter proof our house if he gets bored ;o). It looks great!

  3. Oh my gosh you can see, there's light! It' so bright! It's so awesome that Lloyd can do all that carpentry stuff. I'm glad you guys are almost done! :)

  4. whoo hoo!! So glad for you. I love it when you can almost see the end in site - it's so refreshing.


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