Friday, January 04, 2008

Cold & Freezing

UPDATE: Well the power is back on. It came on at 12:15 am. We had just gotten the kids all bedded down at Lloyd's parents --- we were going to sleep in the living room, but I decided to make one last call to our home phone to see if the machine would come on and and it did. So we ran home there's nothing like being without power for 15+hours. And the lowest it got in our house was a breezy 55. Brrr!!
Oh and Rebecca I think your crazy for having your heat set @ 58 in the winter. I love the feeling of being warm, you must be warm blooded I think that's how you stay all toasty warm at your hockey games. No wonder you don't mind it being a little chilly. :):):) Okay enough of this I seriously need to go find my bed. It's been a LONG day.
This post is the complete opposite from Addison's warm and cozy post. We have officially been without power for the last 7 hrs now thanks so some FIERCE WIND and lots of down power lines. It went off at around 9:40 this morning right at the moment I had my hair full of shampoo in the sink (because I knew I wouldn't have time to shower-Lloyd called from work and their power went out, I knew we wouldn't be far behind and not even 10 minutes later out it goes) and at our house you can't run the water while the power is out as we have a well and the pump runs off electricity.
So our house is a cool 58 degree's. Lovely huh?
We picked up Lloyd as they closed and ran a bunch of errands as there was nothing else we could do and being in the car was nice and warm.
Then we hung out at Wal-Mart for a while
and now we are at Lloyd's parents as they have heat, water, and most important a toilet for the little people. Even the boys came home early from school because of no power. So hopefully here soon we will be able to return to our home and sleep in our beds. But at the moment I'm not sure if we will even be doing that tonight. Well gotta go to town and find some food for my family.
Enjoy your warm beds tonight!


  1. Hopefully they'll have it up and running soon!

  2. 58*???? What's wrong with 58*? That's what our house is all the time in the winter. Seriously, exactly 58. My mom always wants to turn my heat up when she's here. We love it tho! Well this part of we does, lol. I hope you get the heat back soon; your heat struggles would be like me in the summer without AC so i feel your pain!

  3. Yeay! I'm glad you got your heat back. That has to stink. Everyone is happy now, you're warm i'm comfy life is good!

    PS, nick's team won the hockey game tonight and it was THE coldest rink i've ever been too. Even *I* was cold! :)

  4. That sure was a good wind storm. We felt it here in Prineville too. I did not realize that you were out of power. It is good that you had a warm place to go with the kids. Makes me wish I would have put a wood stove in our new house. We have 2 propane fireplaces but I do not know if they require electricity. I will have to research that. Glad your power is back on.

  5. Rachael,

    It is Deborah you cousin, checking out your blog now!!! What fun man you have done an amazing Job on this blog you put mine to shame, I need to get all your good ideas.

    I will have to agree with you time flies! Your kids are so big and cute man you keep them well dressed you are my kind of Mama I love dressing them all up fun and cute. Isn't it fun Having GIRLS, I love my three in a row. Your baby is adorable I just want to squeeze her!! and all those cute outfits you put on her so so sweet. Where do you do all your shopping? and where are all the bows from?

    Well we will have to stay in touch through this blogging thing, I love it. Do you mind if I link yours to mine? I haven't posted anyting new for a while since all the holidays but hopefully I will get back in to it soon.

    Thank you so so much for your Christmas card and birth announcement both were awesome an so fun to get caught up on your family.

    I also wanted to say I love your decorating style I am always up for good ideas so I would love to see more of your house!

    ok well this post is getting rather long so I better say goodbye but I'm excited to stay in touch!!


  6. glad your power is back on. What a pain. Good thing Llyod's parents are nearby. I didn't think about the water problem and well being operated with electricity. Our power went out but it was during the night for a few hours and then it came back on.


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