I gave Addison (pre-sickness) some rice cereal. Her pediatrician wanted me to wait until she was 6 months old to introduce any form of regular food, but I caved and "tried" her on cereal just to see how she would do. It was only about an 1/8th of a cup and she didn't even eat it all. You know how it goes, you give the same spoonful of food about 10 times. She also gave me the food shudder, all you mom's out there know what I am talking about.. So funny to watch. Oh well at least I tried. OK, my break is over Addison is calling my name in her most pathetic sick voice.

Oh my gosh how cute! I love that last picture of her.
ReplyDeleteI soooo wish those guidelines had been in place when nick was a baby. They came out right after him and before macy. I truly wonder if that's why he has so many food allergies (minus the dyes).
I was always excited to feed my babies. It is really a good idea to wait though. They really do not need it especially when they are being breasfed. They get everything they need from mom.
ReplyDeleteOh, I can't spell. Oh well, you know what I meant to type.
ReplyDelete♥ I always hated it when they just spit it right back out. And like you said you end up giving the same bite to them at least 10 times!
ReplyDeleteThose are great pictures! We started Wyatt on rice too, but I forgot to take pictures!!! Ah, such a good mom =)
ReplyDeleteHilarious!!! My girls hated rice cereal... I totally laughed about the shudder thing!!
ReplyDeleteYes your right. Rachel she will tell you when she is ready. A sweet photo of her . Love Mom .
ReplyDeleteThe Kids and you and lloyd are wonderful, Quit putting your self down you and Lloyd are Great parents. We love you all . Looks like you all had great fun. love all of you, Jentury,Parker,Brinley, Corbin, and addison. Love Grandpa and Grandma M.