The only good thing to come out of this cold is Addison seems to like her pacifier more, it must be a comfort thing. I'll be looking forward to this cold moving out then I can pay more attention to my house, it looks terrible and my clothes will no longer have snot streaks on them. I know, I know, it's gross but it's my life. Are ya feeling sorry for me yet? :)

To make our/my suffering seem even longer, we have gotten more snow today. I swear if I see more white stuff falling from the sky I'm going to go stark raving mad. I'm sick of this cold weather, I want some warm sunshine and to be able to send my kids outside NOT bundled up like the abominable snowman.
Okay I'm stepping off my soap box now.
Okay I'm stepping off my soap box now.
Hey Rachel. I'm so glad you found me. Your blog is amazing and your kids, wow! SO CUTE! I'm still figuring out this whole blogging thing so let me know if you have any advice. We got snow today too. Seattle is fun but I miss the sun. At least I'm close to family again. By the way, my email is lindsay.wolfe@gmail.com. What's yours?
ReplyDelete♥ Poor baby! Emma & Livvy still have the "cough" from a month ago. I'm hoping this cold thing doesn't hit again over here!
ReplyDeleteI hope they start feeling better very soon for your sake and sanity!!! :)
hey you
ReplyDeleteso you got the yuck like we had earlier!?! no fun! and spud just got over the latest round because did you know it can return easily as it did a for us. we are still fighting the cough but he isn't wheezing anymore. oh the blessings! hopefully this goes away fast for you all. and love the chic mask. looks like the one we used for ella when she got so sick! love that she sleeps through it all! mine doesn't sleep through anything!
oh and that last comment is from ellen, just forgot that i was going anynomous
ReplyDeleteget 'em better :)
Oh no! Sickness is awful but babies with colds is just wrong! Poor little girl. AWWW. Poor mommy too.
ReplyDeleteAS for those dresses I'll email you (looking for it on your blog). I still have them. I also have several bigger ones from my older daughter. They may be too big for you girl. I cannot remember the size. They were very expensize $60 plus dollars. The ones from older daughter also have the eyelet lace slips that poke out (very old fashioned).
Sending you well wishes.
You can just email me at Lauraall@aol.com.
ReplyDeleteI do feel your pain. That is because we are going thru the exact same thing! I too have the snot stripes down my shoulders. So attractive. I like to call it the mark of motherhood! Ü So yeah I have been craving mexican food since thursday but didn't make it cause sick kids.....Ahhh the life of a mom!
ReplyDeleteHang in there Rachel. Spring is just around the corner! Baby Addison is adorable. What a sweetheart.
ReplyDeleteI remember how sick nick used to get with colds. Not fun. You could always do a lemon bath for addison. Well both of them. It would get them better SO much faster!!!!!! Plus calcium and vitamin C and a little oregano oil and aloe vera gel for oral prep. Good luck! I will be more than happy to help you out in the snow department. Send it my way. Happy to take that off your atmosphere!
ReplyDeletePS, i like what you did with the header and that orange color. Looks nice.
ReplyDeleteWell I was thinking about calling you and coming over to do our VT, but I think I will have to pass this month again!! I will call you on Monday and see if the kiddos are feeling better. I don't want to risk my kids getting sick again as well!! Call me if you need anything!
ReplyDeletePoor little Addison. That is the cutest little nebulizer. Where did you get it? Tob and the kids are all sick again with the upper resp, snotty sinus crap for the millionth time. Sorry! Hope they get better soon. It's been a rough year!
ReplyDeletebreathing treatment? I've never seen that before. does the doctor have to prescribe that?