Yeah, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
Pin It1. Jentry mowed the lawn
2. I finished my scrapbook page. (only took me 24 hours, it's not fabulous but it's done & frankly I just don't care anymore)
3. Took pictures of my Lilac bush. (cause she's finally growing)
4. Lloyd fixed our toilet (we had a wax ring fallout SICK)
5. Lloyd put up the rest of the bead board in la' bathroom YIPPEE
6. Took a MAJOR load of stuff to the recycle center in the pouring rain.
7. Went to Wal-Mart with all 5 kids (I so seriously love that my kids are good for me when we go to stores) and watched Brinley throw up twice as we were checking out. That was fun.
8. Took dinner to one of my Visiting Teaching ladies (her and hubby have pneumonia)
9. Cleaned up throw up on the bathroom floor.
10. Did 4 loads of laundry.
11. Dealing (still) with septic problems because the water table is so high.
12. Still trying to find Parker's missing web book. Grrrrrrr.....
13. Almost forgot this one. Went to church and they had far too many speakers for 1 hr. so Lloyd once again got bumped on giving his talk, yes this has happened before. Glad he did all that preparing for nothing.
14. And to top everything off I am pretty sure I have eaten my body weight in chocolate. Sigh..... I am such a stress eater.....Need I go on?
Hope everyone else had better weekend than us!
Pin ItAnd a picture of my and my little miss. There aren't very many of these as I usually delete any picture with me in it. I know I am terrible.
The Boys at the Go-Carts after Parker's Baptism yeah I know we are such a reverent bunch
Lazy Sunday Afternoon
Tell All Tuesday
1. Where is your cell phone? ....................charging
2. Your significant other?......................hardworker
3. Your hair?....................................wet
4. Your mother? .................................giving
5. Your father?..................................funny
6. Your favorite thing?..........................strawberry's
7. Your dream last night?........................nada
8. Your favorite drink...........................lemonade
9. Your dream/goal?..............................debt free/happy
10. The room you're in?..........................office
11. Your children?.....................................screaming
12. Your fear?...................................E coli
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years...........new house
14. Where were you last night?...................Wal-Mart
15. What you're not?.............................a size 8
16. Muffins......................................blueberry
17. One of your wish list items?.................ear plugs
18. Where you grew up?........................... Eltopia, Wa
19. What you read last........................Barrington Family saga
20. What are you wearing?........................black
21. Your TV?.....................................monster trucks
22. Your pets?...................................nope
23. Your computer? ..............................link to outside world
24. Your life?...................................crazy
25. Your mood?...................................postal
26. Missing something?.............................scrapbooking
27. Your car?....................................Big
28. Something you're not wearing?................socks
29. Favorite Store?..............................Gymboree
30. Your summer?.................................not here yet
31. Like someone?................................of course
32. Your favorite color?.........................green
33. Last time you laughed........................today
34. Last time you cried?.........................check with me tomorrow
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