45- Camille said... Well, my name is Camille, and I am from Idaho but live in Vegas. I have NO idea how I found your blog, but you had me from "Cookies... GOOD". :-) Also, I would kill for those little pumpkins. Seriously. Happy 300 posts! August 27, 2008 12:32 AM
Camille won the Pumpkins
80- Jessica said... Look at all your comments! I'm so glad I didn't miss this giveaway, not that I will win but here's hoping! I know you thru your mom, who I love dearly! She always is talking about her wonderful family, then we met at church and swapped blog and I have been hooked ever since, I love your crafty-ness, you inspire me to do more!!August 29, 2008 8:46 PM
Jessica won the Pillow
43- Hilary said... how cute and how fun! How did we meet... you found my blog either through Shelly's or Sherelle's. I guess I'm not sure how. You won my first giveaway, so it would only be right if I won yours... right?! :O) August 26, 2008 8:59 PM
Hilary won the BOO letters
I thought this random number grouping is perfect it picked someone I would like to know: Camille & someone I already know: Jessica & someone who I won a giveaway from: Hilary How perfect! Alright ladies email me your address's so I can get these out to you. eoberrys{dot}gmail{dot}com
And again, Thanks everyone for all the comments you guys made this giveaway so much fun to do. I might have to do it again. Hmmmmm..... Christmas stuff!
I did take out duplicate entries just to make it fair for everyone, I didn't want to have a Florida voting disaster on my hands. :)
Sorry ladies I guess this book just wasn't for me. The movie should be interesting to watch. And speaking of the movie I laughed my bahookie off at this spoof trailer. I needed it after I finished this book.
Okay I promise not to talk about vampire books anymore girl scouts honor! I'm getting off my soapbox now. Okay on to bigger and better things!
My 300th post is just a mere 3 posts away! It's something for Halloween and here's a little sneak peek of the fabric I am using (I am so in love with this fabric) I think it's going to be freaking cute! At least that's the way it looks in my noggin.
Played on our little water park, well the other kids not la' baby...We heard no evil, saw no evil & spoke no evil...
And apparently Addison is short for ''Addiction'' as she was introduced to Milky Way Midnight bite sized candy bars... Thanks Grandma. :)
This shot taken just before the sugar coma set in...
Lloyd installed new vinyl in my parents el' bathroom...
And Lloyd & I were able to go here while my folks babysat...
Then we took the kids here on the way home so they could see it.....
And of course one more, cause I'm their mom and I can... Okay & one of just me so I could prove that I was really on this little trip. And yes I asked to have my photo taken because they are going to need some form of photo documentation to hang by my casket when I die. Don't you just love my round fat Turkish woman face & old lady Relief Society arms? I so still/will/always & forever loath pictures of myself....
Alright I did do a little more than that on our quick trip, I did manage to finish the kids school shopping the only thing I have left to buy is backpacks. I DID NOT get to go to the fabric store (blasphemy) which meant I didn't get to smell all the cotton (still sad about that). Oh well enter online shopping, I also made a furniture purchase that I will introduce later (thank you value village, I just love a bargain with potential).
Oh and yes my baby has a black eye, that's what happens when one tries to climb up the back of a ladder back chair. Needless to say the chair won......
Oh the bathroom trim is almost done then I need to paint the wall next to it. So much to do, so much to do. But on the up side we will be going to Tri-Cities again this weekend so I will be able to go into a real fabric store so I can dress my TV cabinet. Ahhh the sweet smell of cotton all around, I can hardly wait.