I'm not sure how it happened, but having a hole in my laundry room floor & wall (which have been repaired) turned into a little mini bathroom makeover. Oh wait I do know, he said "hey since this wall is open lets move the outlet in the bathroom to where you want it". Like we didn't already have enough unfinished projects around here already, but here is a sneak peek at the trim that is going above the mirror that we decided to redo since we moved the outlet. :) It's like a freaking tidal wave the projects just keep on a comin'.
We will be framing the mirror in hopefully tomorrow or the next day (cross fingers here). And then the bathroom will look fab! I guess it pays to have a handy husband who is even more handy at listening to his wife's trim taste and the ability to use pneumatic tools like a pro. And you will never guess what color I will be painting this trim. :)
He used 3 trims, one of them was a scrap piece from when he made the fluted trim for the living room. Don't mind the primer paint job. And yes I know, I have no nails. My french tips have gone by the wayside along with all my skinny size 7 jeans.

Oh and if your wondering what ever happened to my TV hutch that got painted black. Well she's still here looking all distressed and fabulous, but I am looking like crazy for some cute fabric to put behind the screen door. It's a small town with NO Jo-Ann's just a wally world and a couple quilt stores. So you don't get to see her until she gets her clothes on. I couldn't show her in the nude that would be rude!
Great work on the trim, can;t wait to see the finished project and your dressed up TV hutch.
ReplyDelete♥ I like the trim and it'll look great black just like the cabinet! (black right it's gotta be!) Can't wait to see the FINAL project"s"!!! :)
ReplyDeleteThe trim looks fabulous. I'm guessing black?
ReplyDeleteWhoaaaaaaaa he is one talented dude. I love that trim. I just got past the wedding in breakind dawn...i know iknow..whats wrong with me. I can't wait to see this project in all its glory. cherry
ReplyDeleteI could stare at that trim for hours! I'm wanting to do this. Is it difficult? Can't wait to see it done--regardless what color it is!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it wonderful to have a handy hubby? Can't wait to see your finished projects!
ReplyDeleteokay, so the little pkg I'm sending you is going to have to wait a couple of weeks, because I'm heading to the states thursday and I just got all the downloads from my friend! But it is coming, have no worries!
ReplyDeleteAlso, the books you wrote about in your previous post... so you've got be hook line and sinker- I'm off to buy them and spend a relaxing couple of weeks at my moms reading like crazy! thanks!
hope your well and enjoying the last parts of summer:)
Nice work on the trim!
ReplyDeleteSee, mine is more like
ReplyDeleteme+your trimwork+a husband with no trimwork skills=JEALOUS. I've been reading a lot about trim online so I can figure out how to put my crown molding up, and then I see this post? Not fair!
Lookin good girl!
ReplyDeleteThe trim will look so nice when your done.
ReplyDeleteYour posts are so entertaining. fun to read, they make me laugh.