Okay, I know I said I wouldn't do another giveaway until around Christmas time BUT, I have been stitching up this cute little pattern which I got here and some how ended up stitching 3! I know I'm a freak but lucky for one of you I have decided to give away one of these little cuties to you my fellow and most loyal of blog readers. Just leave me a comment and tell me how much you love me, KIDDING! I'm not that vain (i think) Just Leave me a comment & your good to go! Easy! Peasy! Also this will be sent in a old wooden frame like the one shown above errr..... below, just don't mind the peeling paint. The frame is made from some old fence boards I literally have laying around. Oh and I'll draw on Saturday.
Color of moon may vary. Gee I sound like the small type in magazines.
Before her "tan"
After being bathed in a couple apple cider packets with a hint of chili powder(who knew)!

Doesn't she look ever so cute next to other Halloween decor!
I have been sick with a cold the past few days therefore I stitch like a psycho. Look at one of you reaping the benefits of my poor immune system. :) Enjoy!

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