Friday, January 30, 2009

{My New Old Doors}

Well, another project is finally done! 

Here is the Hutch with it's original screen door. Yes, it's cool and has family history behind it. BUT. It takes up so much room when it's open. 
I had a freaking brilliant idea while sitting and staring at the TV hutch one evening, I thought why not take a door and cut it in half. 
Here is the "new" door in it's original state. Don't mind the dust.
 And it was FREE!
Compliment's of this neighbor who didn't know the kind of treasure they were giving away. Thank you very much!
During the "painful" paint stripping days.... Oh the humanity! I think this would be a good job for the convicts in prison, trust me it's punishment.
After the prisoner finisher her job.
I painted her black and added these fabulous knobs that I got at a yard sale YEARS AGO for $1.00, I do love me some glass knobs.
All finished! I do love how it turned out, it seems more grown up to me. It is distressed the same all the way around but for some reason it's not picking it up in my photo. I'll blame it on the old farm house lighting.

Okay don't mind the little fingerprints all over the TV screen & the mess of toys, just proof that I have 5 kids and am keeping it real. :)


  1. That looks so amazing!!! Why can't we find cool stuff like that around here? Oh that's right, cause people have totally figured out that everyone wants that stuff, so they sell them for ridiculous prices. Be glad you got such a great deal!!! Great work girlie!!

  2. The new door looks GREAT!!!!!!!!
    It finishes off the cabinet beautifully.
    But, I am curious! What exciting thing are you going to do with the old screen door? I'm sure you've got some plans for it.
    Thanks for inviting me over to see.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. You did a fantastic job. That really is a piece you will have forever.

  4. I love it! You did a great job!!!!

  5. Your cabinet redo looks fabulous! Great job!

  6. OMG!!! That is delightful!!! What a creative idea. I am currently looking for an old door to make a headboard....

  7. Wow Rachel...I'm very impressed...UGH! You're too crafty, I must find a way to catch up...

  8. Soo crafty! Very impressive and very cute!!

  9. FANTASTIC!!! And wow, that was some serious paint stripping you had to do...yikes!

    ~ Sarah

  10. Glad your prison days are over looks fabulous now!


  11. Can I buy your old screen door? I loved the hutch before and I love it after. It's amazing! I can't believe you stripped all the paint off. I would have just sanded it and painted over it. Glad you're out of prison now. It must feel so good to be done.

  12. Oh I so LOVE this! Now I'm going to be buying doors all of the time at the flea market. I can't believe someone was just giving that beautiful door away - FOR FREE! Great score!

  13. I love it!!! Your hard work was so worth it!!!

  14. ♥ That's nice that the doors are smaller now and don't hit stuff as easily!

  15. It turned out GREAT! I saw a cabinet similar to yours (only not as cute) for $500.00 the other day in Salt Lake. Mimi

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Oooo- like it so much all black! Totally worth the B,S&T!

  18. Great job. I wish we were neighbors.

  19. Just more proof that you are a ROCKSTAR! Fabulous job on this. Now you can add "stripper" to the list of things you have conquered! Tee hee. I'll be on the lookout for spare old doors now. don't know what I'll do with them yet. ..& I'm sure to get plenty of crap from my dh for it. . .but I want to get creative with a door or 2. Maybe create a table for the all purpose room I want to have someday. . .or a coffee table for when we finish the basement. .

  20. OH LOVE IT! I can't believe people give stuff like that away! Unbelievable!

  21. Pretty freakin' awesome, Rachel!! Great deal on the knobs, too. Please show more of your home!! I think I will be so jealous you get to live in a farmhouse!!

  22. WOW! I need someone like you to come and give me ideas on what to do with my house!

  23. Rachel, This looks AWESOME!!! What a good "prison" worker you are. Seriously, it looks great.

  24. That looks great! how long did it take you from start to finish? good job.

  25. Congratulations! A finished project is always a good feeling. It really changes the look of your cabinet. I love it!

  26. Super Sweet! I love the idea to just saw the door in half!

  27. Those doors are soooo cute! I love them both. What great ideas!


  28. What a creative way to reuse that gorgeous old door. Your cabinet turned out great, and the toys just ADD to the charm!!!

  29. wow, I don't know that I would even attempt somthing like that!! I liked the way it looked before as well, and either way, it does the job right? clutter and fingerprinted tv gone with a flick of the wrist!! :)
    Very nice job!

  30. You did a great job, just love it. All the work was worth it!

  31. Ok, could you just come and help me make my house as cute as yours! I wish I could bottle some of your creativity and drink it up. The hutch looks awesome!

  32. WOW, love the doors! What a fabulous idea.

    When do you work on projects with 5 kids???????????? :)

  33. I just found your blog and you are going right into my favorites. Love this hutch re-do, it turned out gorgeous!!

  34. I love how you just cut the door in half. Way to go. I want to be just like you when I grow up. :)

  35. Rachel, Come by my blog today and check out my giveaway. Yay!!

  36. Wow, it looks amazing. That must have been a ton of work. You are so stinkin creative!

  37. This is awesome! I love how you finished that. I love old doors, and anything I see done with old doors makes me so excited!

  38. Awesome! I'm always drawn to doors and knobs...I've blogged about them too. What a find you got....a FREE door. The Cabinet you made is absolutely stunning. Thanks for sharing.

  39. Just wondering...what did you do with the screen???

  40. Very Nice! I like the new doors much better, though I'm wishing there was a full view shot with the new doors closed so I can compare the before and after a bit better.

  41. I have a doorknob collection too. I want to make a rack to hang towels on them. I love the cupboard! I am looking for one for our house too. Projects keep us out of the bars (prison or psycho).
    xxoo Karen K.

  42. you are amazing! so so so cute!

  43. WOW! I love this redo! You did an amazing job!!!
    Happy day wishes~ Les

  44. I absolutely love that. You did a great job... where do you find the time?


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