Tuesday, March 31, 2009

{ Quick Shopping Trip Recap }

And I mean this will be quick.. I have 2 kids crying at the moment... Anywho, here is some of the fabric that I acquired on my trip to Tri- Cities, it was so nice to get out and not have to worry about kids. 
 The Olive Garden was crazy busy, but soooooo worth the wait as the food was YUMMY! I mean where can you go wrong with bread sticks and a bowl of Alfredo to dip them in?
I also picked up these cute ball's that I plan on hanging up in Brinley's room along with the Martha tissue ones that I already have. I'll have to post a picture when I get them hung. 
I have to get out the really tall ladder in order to hang them from her 10 ft ceilings. That should be a pretty sight--- me teetering atop a ladder trying to hang some cuteness.... No photos please Lloyd.. :)
Some scrapbook paper (150 sheets) I got from Micheal's for $14.99 then I picked up another 9 or so sheets from Craft Warehouse.
Some ribbon from the $1.00 bin at Micheal's, a super cute wood scalloped album & a new border punch. I also picked up some cute clearance clothes from Old Navy and Gymboree but I'll spare you another purchase picture... All in all it was a fun and quick trip, I did get into some snow on the way home but I managed not to kill myself so it's all good!
Okay I better run, the kids are no longer crying as the screaming has taken over so I better go play mom for a while. More later I hope.....
Sorry for the icky pictures it's snowing, hailing, raining & windy outside..
And I'm not kidding about the weather we have had it all today.
Oh and now it's sunny with some fierce cold winds!

Saturday, March 28, 2009


That's right ladies, I am hitting the Tri-Cities today! I am leaving at 7:00 am and are going shopping to every craft & fabric store I can find. I can smell the cotton now, I think it's my form of a Crafty Wonderland or maybe it's my form of crack. Either way I'll take it! :)
Have a Fabulous Weekend!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

{ Photography Blabber }

What a difference a year can make.... I have been trying to improve my relationship with my camera and I think I just may be improving a little bit. Here is a picture from last year which I thought was cute. Sheesh what did I know!
Then, here's one from yesterday I'm by no means professional in any way but I am trying to learn and improve a little everyday. 
I shoot mainly in Manual mode but someday I REALLY want to take a photography class & learn a bit more. 
Does anyone out there in blog land know of any good online photography classes?
If so do tell and help a girl out.

And this one again because I just love it sooooo much! ;)
Well I better get back to stitching, I'm also tossing around the idea of doing a Spring craft show and selling a bunch of Pressed Peonies! 
Still thinking on that one.....

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

{ I Am Smiling... }

I say this through gritted teeth as this little cutie pie below is sick yet again, and this time it's an ear infection. 
So she's been a blast the past few days with her 103.2 fever. 
Yeah being a mom rocks! 
But I did capture a couple cute shots of her today as I let her "entertain" herself as she pulled wet wipes out of the container one by one. 
And I wonder why she got into my embroidery floss. Stupid me!

And in between Addison's short cat naps & constant need to be held I have been trying & I mean TRYING to get the house clean plus I have been working on many orders for flowers and family stichery's.
I know you are all sick of hearing the same gibber jabber from me, but sadly this is what is going on in my life right now. 
 Hopefully soon I'll have something cute to post about that has nothing to do with Pressed Peonies or stitching. 
Hmmm maybe like getting back into decorating my sadly undecorated house. Sigh..... Someday.

Friday, March 13, 2009

{ Road Trip }

Yes we are leaving for the weekend to visit the Tri-Cities! 
The boys will be watching this tonight, they are beyond excited....
We girls on the other hand plan on doing a little shopping. 
I've been to 2 monster truck shows in support of the boy's in my house, 
I feel I've paid my dues.
Well, I gotta run I'm still trying to pack and the hubby just came home. 
Have a great weekend!! :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

{ Bueller......Bueller..... }

Yes I'm still here I'm just stitching like a mad woman & trying
to finish up Pressed Peony orders. Here is some fabric that is screaming to be made into some flowers.....
Then I took 25 minutes for myself today and made a new header for my blog... I love how simple & fresh it feels, I am SO ready for spring.
And speaking of time to ones self, this is what happens to your embroidery floss when you leave your toddler unattended for 5 minutes....
And yes she is still alive if any of you were wondering,
 bless her little black soul....... :) j/k

FYI: I made my new header in Photoshop for the inquiring minds...

Friday, March 06, 2009

{ Work & Some Cute Retail Therapy }

Phew! I feel like I have been running a race the past couple days. I have been super busy filling Pressed Peony orders & getting everything ready to be shipped.
So, a few things have been put on the back burner such as this trim that is supposed to get sewn on my curtains.
So here they sit looking like this
But the hubby sure did a good job on the window boxes. I so my handy man.
The after my friend called me (you enabler you) I purchased these stinking cute shoes, they are Puddle Jumpers and I paid $10 a pair.
Cute and a bargain, I couldn't resist! They still have some on sale I do suggest you go and take a peek. See now I'm enabling you it's a never ending cycle. :)
And the same friend told me about these boots. 
Again with the enabling!?!? :) 
But I'm a sucker for shoes as any good woman should be, so I bought these as well. They were at our local Bi-Mart store on clearance! 
Addison will get to wear them someday....
I mean come on even the backs are C.U.T.E.!!
And I will be MIA for a little bit, as I have to fill 7 of these stitchery orders all by the end of the month (thanks Joyce for plugging my Etsy store you rock)
Plus I have some Pressed Peony headband orders that are in the works as well.
So if you need me, I'll be sitting on my butt in my rocking chair stitching and cutting out flowers till my eyeballs fall out or my fingers fall off which ever comes first.
I'm turning into my very own personal sweat shop!
But seriously it's all so very good!
Well, off I go I need to get back to work!
Have a great weekend.