Friday, April 17, 2009

{ A Little This & A Little That }

Yesterday I was a busy girl!
I made 3 batches of strawberry freezer jam, did 2 loads of dishes, 2 loads of laundry & cleaned the bathroom or maybe I should call it the latrine thanks to my 3 boys.
Then I made Chicken Enchilada Bake (YUMMY) for dinner, thanks Robin for the recipe, watched my children & 1 day care girl all while talking on the phone with my friend!

I promised I would take a picture of Miss Brinley Boo and her latest art creation. You gotta love a girl who can entertain herself with a leftover box & some paint.
This just makes me happy!
The after dinner I put these shoes on
and when for a wobble I mean a walk/jog.
 Lets just say that the jogging didn't last very long as I could feel my behind wobbling up and down as I was going and the fact that my lungs were about to burst didn't help.
I only wobbled for 30 minutes but hey, at least I got out there... That counts for something right? Thank goodness for my Mama Mia soundtrack that I put on my Ipod, the upbeat tempo was what I needed to huff this body down the road.
I seriously need to get rid of my wobbly bits....

And my Mother is going to kill me sorry Mom I had to post it... Here is my mom on day 6 after her double knee surgery.
We made a quick trip up to Tri-Cities and took her some beautiful Hydrangea's & her birthday present. She had no idea we were even coming. She's home now & is doing great!
And I just loved this picture of Mr. Parker that I took while visiting my mom.
I know I didn't do this yesterday but I was told I had to post it. I made this little lamb for Addison for Easter & she loves it! :)
And last but not least, here is a picture I took on Easter, this picture captures Corbin to a T. he just cracks me up!
Okay I better run, I just discovered that my Corbin man has decided to become a barber and cut his own hair, thank you older child who decided to leave your scissors out. I am glad he waited until after Easter to play barbershop.
Little stinker.

ETA:If you want to make a Lilly Lamb here is the link to the Etsy store where you can purchase the pattern. Click here.


  1. Oh my adorable! That little lamb. Do you have a tutorial?? What a great gift for a little girlie :)

  2. Oh..that jam looks so very yummy!!

    sandy toe

  3. What a cute family and I would love to make a little lamb like that...tutorial please.

  4. i think Jentry's look is classic Older brother look!

  5. You are amazing! Is there nothing you can't do??? I will be calling you Wonder Woman from now on. CUTE pics! Corbin is TOO cute and Brinley is quite the artist! Can I join you on your next wobble? I have some jiggly parts myself! lol! Lori

  6. My goodness reading your post is making me sleepy... You had an awesome PRODUCTIVE day... Those are the BEST, and I HEART all the photos!

  7. You are quite productive. It looks like your daughter has your genes. I loved her picture.

    Glad your mom is doing so well and the kids' Easter photo is beautiful.

    Blessings to you and your family.

  8. Ok love all the pics...especially the Easter pics of the kids minus one. Saw the last post and thought they were all cute!

    Now gotta share the recipe for the Chicken Enchilada Bake....pretty please....oh and the jam looks like yum city...I love me some strawberry jam. I actually have some strawberry plants.

    Your daught did a great job on her drawing!

    have an awesome weekend and keep up the will give you many rewards...I just started doing this myself.

  9. ♥ The jam looks great! cute picture of Brinley. Right on for the wobble! I feel ya all the way. I'm glad your mom is doing so well. My dad has to do the same thing although I think he's waiting until fall/winter when work isn't so busy. Does you mom have any advise on the recoup? Very cute lamb and that picture w/Corbin is so cute! :)

  10. Lilly Lamb rocks my house! She is so darn cute that little thingy.
    Love the pic of the kids...where's that baby though...? She must be crawling or sitting at their feet...he he.
    Ummmmmmmmm, tell Brinley that she is a girl after my own heart B/C I love her painting. You MUST hang that could get a shadow box and stick it in there. It's a must Rachel.
    Love ya girl, let's go out. Wanna?

  11. Are you still getting all of that sleep? sheesh! You better slow down, you're making the rest of us look bad:) How do you make freezer jam? And are those plastic containers? I'm intrigued. LOVE the lamb. And Brinley - wow! A budding creative gal - she takes after her Mommy:) You totally rock.

  12. You were a busy girl. Love the lamb. Mimi

  13. i love lambie...and the kids and your momma are awesome! love it! you rock...and i love making freezer jam...yum!

  14. You are one busy Mama!! I have a friend who swears by the Mama Mia soundtrack for jogging :)
    Cute, cute little lambie.

  15. That painting is sooo cute! I would love to have a piece of art like that on my wall! I can't wait until my boys get older so they can create like that! What a great family you have!

  16. I have that lambie pattern already! I made one for my son and he loves it. Also, do you find the sugar in the freezer jam makes it grainy? Mine never seems to dissolve completely and the end result is grainy jam. still tastes yummy though :)

  17. Darling pictures! I LOVE those jam jars - we still have a few left with rasberry jam in them.

    I posted a picture of my girl in her peony on my blog. The picture isn't nearly the quality that yours are, but I still think it's DARLING on her!! Thanks again!

  18. Wow, you are busy!!!

    Love Brinley's art! What a creative gal.

    Ooooh love the lamb too!

  19. I get so excited when you post something. It's always stuff I love to see and read! I love that picture of Parker. How I wish you lived closer to me, you are so much fun!

  20. Just your blog! You take the best photos! Your kids are adorable and LOVE, Love that painting your daughter did- so frame-able!!

  21. You productive Lil' Mama, you! I am inspired! We just came home from vacation and it has taken me 3 days to do the laundry (now there is a HUGE ironing pile shouting my name!) The dust moved in while we were gone too....busy week ahead, Wanna call ME and talk me through the chores???

    Have a good week!!

  22. BTW Rachel, I am counting ON YOU for some ideas for end of the year teacher gifts! {{no pressure}} Hee hee

  23. Great pictures and stories! Maybe Corbin and Lex could go into buisness together. She creates a beautiful mullet :0) Hope you are enjoying all this sunshine!

  24. Oh my gosh, Rachel, I thought I would die laughing reading about your jog/wobble!!! I feel that way myself when I just walk. Scary stuff, huh?!?!
    Love the lamb and the photos of your cute kiddies!!
    Oh, strawberry jam...yum. I make some too, but I can it.

  25. Love the pictures. So wonderful.

    Love your daughter's art work. You sure were busy. Doesn't it feel great when you sit and write everything you've accomplished. Really makes you feel good.

  26. Your kids are way adorable. I LOVE the cute Lamb. Hmmm may have to try that one:)

  27. Love the lamb - again, no girl to make it for though (like I would make it anyway). I'm SOO proud of you for the walk/jog . . .every step you take makes a difference. It gets easier, it really does. Just keep pushing yourself and you will feel so good (once you are done)! I am SUPER proud, Grach!

  28. Her artwork is so cute! I'd frame that baby.

    Love the lambie!

  29. hahhaha you're so funny. All I have to do is read a post or two and then I'm all cheared up or smiling because of something goofy you say.
    your kids look nice all dressed up. Corbin has that look where youjust want to Get'em! chase him!!


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