Monday, August 17, 2009

{ Back To School Funny }

Maybe I'm a bad mom but I find this commercial HILARIOUS! 
This is sooooo how I feel about my kids going back to school. 
Don't get me wrong it's been a fun summer, but it's also been a long summer. I'm ready for getting back to our regular schedule and having a little more structure and frankly so are my kids!
Thank You Staples & Ellen ;)!


  1. That commercial is so very funny~
    sandy toe

  2. Oh, that IS funny.....and I feel that way about school supplies ANY time....I just love 'em!!! thanks for the giggle.


  3. When my fourth and last child went to kindergarten she got on a bus and I started thinking, party, party, PARTY while the other mom's were crying. I felt like such a bad mom! After four kids though I was finally going back to school and she needed to be in school as much as I needed her there! I'll never forget that day with all those mom's crying and me saying I was going to party!

  4. Ha Ha Ha!! I love it. I know I am bad I have been counting down the days.

  5. When I saw this commercial it made me laugh too. School and I have a love hate relationship. I like having my kids in school but I dread the early mornings and homework.

  6. Oh.My.Heaven.Sakes. !!!

    Too funny (I hadn't seen this before!)

  7. I've never seen that before. It was hilarious!!! Thanks so much for sharing. Now I'm going to go show it to my boys. :)

  8. I have admit, it made me smile! Thanks!

  9. I enjoy summer and having my kids home. I am not quite ready for school to end, but I had a good laugh at this commercial, too. Even my kids thought it was funny!

  10. Thats too funny- One of my girlfriends had just asked me if I had seen that commercial!

    Ah, so true, so true... We've all enough "Togetherness" for awhile!

  11. I am sitting here laughing so much. I hadn't seen this before. My son was even laughing.

    We homeschool but the return to a regular schedule is definitely in need here.


  12. My hubby loves this commercial. As for me I am sad my little one is going back so soon. :(

  13. This is funny.
    This year, our summer break was only 6 weeks - we are on a modified traditional schedule. it was the perfect length.

  14. I do remember that feeling. A most wonderful time indeed! Mimi

  15. ♥ It's the best commercial ever! :)

  16. HAHAHAHAHAHA! This is my first year with a kid in school (kindergarten, actually), but part of me felt this way the first day (the other part of me was weeping like crazy since my baby is in school now).

  17. I love that commercial,thankfully I'm finally done with school age kids, we're talking college now they can buy their own supplies.

  18. I almost fell out of my chair that was so funny. And So. me. :)

  19. I have been the biggest fan of this commercial from the beginning of it airing years ago. I laughed so hard that I started to cry when I first saw this. And it still makes me giddy when I see it!

  20. I have never seen this commercial before, but I have tears running down my face right now! How FUNNY! Lori


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