Tuesday, September 01, 2009

{ I Love That Yellow Bus }

School started yesterday and EVERYONE was excited.
We had fabulous summer & I love my kids but I think we had had all the ''family bonding'' that we could possibly stand.
Heck after this summer I vote for year round school! And I know this is going to sound terrible but I never get sad or teary eyed when my kids go back to school (does
that makes me a bad mom or something?)
Alright, maybe when I shipped them
off to kindergarten my eye's might have leaked a little,
but I am always super excited for the the new year/new teacher/new stuff they are going to learn. We started off our morning with a super
cough nutritious breakfast of Cinnamon Rolls & OJ (the juice, not the actor) 
The meal was requested by the 3 below.
I always offer them their favorite breakfast & 
dinner for the first day back to school. Dinner was Pizza Spaghetti.
I'm a terrible School mom I cheated and used Rhodes Rolls. Shhhh don't tell. :)

My 6th Grader 
(who now goes to the Middle School)
My Second Grader (with her newly pierced ears)
My Fourth Grader (Who just simply Rocks!)
Heading out to the Bus Stop.
This same picture is taken every year (yeah I'm a little OCD)
I don't know why but this is always my most favorite shot of them going back to school.
I that Yellow Bus!
Oh and when the kids got home from school yesterday they were still excited!
 I have a feeling it's going to be a great year!

I had better get back to my green beans, yes I am canning today. Me + a pressure canner kinda scary huh! :)


  1. Yeah! Cute pictures! All of them! I love them walking away! I always wanted to do a shot like that so this year I think will be the first! Oh and don't feel bad, I didn't even cry for Kindergarten! I was just so excited for them! I remember the excitement of new friends, teachers and things to learn so I always hoped it would be the same! What a fun meals to start the school year!!

  2. Oh, fun pics! Such stylish school kids! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Beautiful pictures!!!

    My 3 are all happy this tear too! Which is especially nice with the one in Special Ed.!!!

    Yeah! for a new school year!!!!

  4. Awwwe! The funny thing is I was waiting for those pictures. You have me anticipating them every year now. The are SO BIG! I had to have a friend escort my little ones to their first day of school this year as Tob and I were both at work :0)

  5. If you are a bad mom then I am too. I love back to school!!! I am canning this week also. Not green beans though. Tomatoes, peaches, pears... FUN! Good luck! Mine don't start for another week!!!

  6. ♥ Pressure cookers scare me...

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE school too! I can't believe Jentry is in middle school... crazy... Love the earrings! :)

  7. Jentry looks so tough. Cute pictures! I'm glad they all had a good first day!

  8. Your children are so cute!! Good luck in school. I love pictures of people walking away like you took. Love & blessings from NC!

  9. Darling pictures!

    Don't tell anyone but I didn't cry when I took my daughter to preschool this year. I was happy for her and happy for me!

    I think it is awesome that you are canning. My Mom recently gave me a canner but I have no idea how to use it!

  10. I love your photos. And in response to your question - I don't get everything done. . that's the problem. . I start a lot of things only to not finish them months later:( This irritates my husband. . and me. I need to work on that. Hope your pressure canning went well. I haven't ventured past hot water bath canning. . .so I'm limited. Which is good bc those types of things would spoil b4 I get to them! LOL

  11. I love my children too, but I am definately happy to send them on the bus.

  12. I WISH we had a big yellow bus.

    I WISH my kids were back in school.

    I WISH I had you to make ME cinnamon rolls.

    I WISH I took incredible pictures like you.

    I'm not jealous. :)

  13. excellent photos!
    We always had a first day of school party and had cupcakes, bubbles and ice cream or a movie or something.
    I should have asked the boys what they wanted. good idea.
    Everyone needs time away from each other, even adults...
    I'm canning peaches hmmmm

  14. what a cute cute blog you have.

  15. I have to say that I love the Easter cups that the kids are using! LOL! We use our kiddy holiday cups all year. Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's, Easter... doesnt matter. They're in constant rotation.

    I love the school bus picture. My kids will likely never ride the bus, we live too close.

    I'm canning tomorrow. The inlaws brought home a bunch of South Carolina peaches. Never canned fruit, only beans so far.

  16. so your a cheater too when it comes to cinnamon rolls in the morning? me too! ♥ happy back to school!

  17. Love the pic of them walking to the bus stop. Every year they get a little bigger. Love it. My kids had year round school and we loved it. They started school in July, had Oct, Feb, and June off. Plus 2 weeks at Christmas Is that your cute mailbox with the topiarty thing on it? Mimi

  18. Congrats! I was glad school was back in since summer was soooo boring. I felt bad for my kids doing nothing for 3 solid months.

  19. Rachel I love that bus too!!! I wish I could take as good as pictures as you...and canned as good as you and did craftys as good as you. Your my idol!!!


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