Friday, September 25, 2009

{ Pressing Cider }

How do you make this into 88 Gallons of cider?
 You Gather your Family & Friends and a trusty Cider press
And set to work!

We ate lots of yummy food with a side of Cider no less.

posted because they are so darn cute!

Having Apple sorters are a must!
 Working into the night
The final tally: 88 Gallons
85 are pictured as we drank 3 while working.
Yes we are a bunch of lushes. :)
But it was oh soooooo good.

As of Wednesday I canned 12 gallons with 6 more in the freezer. You know what we will be drinking for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner! 


  1. Wow! That is amazing! It also looked like fun and good times.

  2. Pressing cider is one of my absolute favorite parts of fall. It looks lime you had a blast!

  3. Ahhh... what a great memory. We spent a Saturday every fall in Michigan making 200+ gallons of cider for friends & family. (It was a bigger press than you had!) I loved the last picture though... so much cider. YUM!!!

  4. It looks like you had quite the operation going. I quit apples for the season after 60 quarts of applesauce. Good for you (and for everything else you've put up this summer)! I'm sure Ryan will be jealous once I tell him how much cider you have.

  5. ♥ That's awesome! How fun to do with a ton of people!!!

  6. WOW!! How long does that stuff stay good?

  7. Now THIS is the way to preserve food! You had so many helpers and it looks like you also had a good time.

  8. Holy crap!!!! You are preserving things like a mad woman! Are you sure you feel okay? :) Good thinking to include others. Makes it so much more fun!

  9. you go girl! Are you going to freeze all of them?

  10. Wow--lots of cider! I love the photos.

  11. wow is right what a big job..... yes apple cider is the very best. the home made way. love the Pic. you are a great daughter, mom, wife and woman, were glad that your ours. xoxoxo to all love dad and mom.

  12. Wow, that is awesome! Times like this will be great memories for your kids.

  13. I miss being away from my Grandparents. Family is an amazing thing to have.

    I love to come to your blog and see how your photography has become spectacular...but most of all I love to see what you do. LOVE IT!!


  14. How fun! Homemade is the bomb. cherry

  15. Those are fabulous pictures! What a great time with your family and friends!! It sounds delicious!

  16. Wish I wasn't so sick that day!
    Sounds like you guys had fun and then it just kept going and going! It is so good! Thanks again Rachael for sharing the news about the apples!

  17. Lots of hard work, but you made it look fun with your beautiful pictures. Hope you're doing swimmingly, have a great day!

  18. My mom said you guys had a blast making all that cider. Very imPRESSive! Now I really want to come home for Thanksgiving.

  19. That looks like fun!!! Plus you get to do it out side so you don't have to clean up your kitchen floor! WOW! Fun!

  20. Those are JUST GRRREAAATTT pictures!

    I love them!
    sandy toe

  21. I am kind of embarrased to say that I have never done this or seen it done. You girl are awessome. You remind me of the aesop fable about the ants and the grasshopper(i think) they worked and worked all fall so they could be ready for winter, while the grasshoppers played. Then the hoppers came begging, once the snow flew.
    You girl are truly an ispiration! I wish you were closer-we could work together. The things I could learn from you!!

  22. You make we want to live in the country. Seriously. You can't make memories {or cider} like that where I live. The neighbors would think you were cookin up something else! hah hah
    That is about the coolest apple press I have ever seen. Nothing plastic about that baby!

  23. love your posie pins, I will feature a set at my indie site beautiful work!

  24. Ok I have to admit I have been so so impressed by all your canning!!! I'll I have done is jam this year and a bit of freezer corn so you just blow me away!! Where did you get a press to do the cider? That is amazing!! Well great job and have lots of fun drinking it all winter, I know where to come for Thanksgiving and Christmas!

    Hey I don't even know if you still read these posts anymore cause you get so many:) but I don't think I have your phone # so I can't even call ya, so e-mail me or call when you get a chance(since I'm sure your not busy canning) so I can get a couple of flowers from ya. My e-mail is and I am pretty sure you have our phone # because you have called me before.

    Happy canning!!! I would love to come see your house it the fall I am sure it is amazing!

  25. That is a beautiful sight!! Loved to see the making of cider in action! We are going to do that as a ward on halloween at our trunk or treat. Cant wait!


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