Monday, March 08, 2010

{ Homemade Laundry Soap }

I know this recipe is used by many of my friends and fellow bloggers, but I have been asked to post the recipe so here you go!

EDITED: Yes, Wal-Mart carries the Fels-Naptha as well as the Super Washing soda.
This is also can be used in any HE washer. 

If your not feeling in the mood to make soap but need a good stain stick:
the Fels Naptha Bar soap is the BEST STAIN STICK EVER.
Just get it wet and rub into any stain. Brinley got chocolate on her new Aeropostale shirt which she informed me of after it had dried, so I just rubbed it with the Fels naptha and it disappeared while I was rubbing it. Amazing stuff.
Oh and I also still use Fabric Softener when I launder my clothes because I just love the stuff.
Liquid Laundry Soap-Family Sized Batch
1 bar grated Fels Naptha soap
5 gallon bucket
1 cup washing soda (Again, Arm and Hammer)
1 cup 20 Mule Team Borax
4 1/2 gallons water
Put grated Fels Naptha in saucepan and cover with water. Heat on low until dissolved. Fill bucket 1/2 way with hot water and add soap. Stir to combine. Add 1 cup washing soda and 1 cup borax and mix well. Fill bucket with more HOT water (I add enough water so it reaches the rings near the top of the bucket) As it cools, it will thicken.
If mixture becomes too thick, add hot water to thin it to desired consistency. May be used immediately. Mix well before each use. Use 1/2(normal) to 1 cup per load (heavy).
Cost per load .04

Edited to add:

When mixing the melted soap into the hot water, it's best to add some boiling water to the bucket, it helps break down the lumps better.
I ladle my soap into a used Orange juice container as shown above and just give it a good shake before using.

Liquid Laundry soap- Small batch

3 Pints Water
1/3 bar Fels Naptha Soap, grated
1/2 cup Washing Soda (Arm and Hammer, NOT baking soda though!!)
1/2 cup 20 Mule Team Borax
2 Gallon bucket to mix it in
1 Quart hot water Hot Water
Mix Fels Naptha soap in a saucepan with 3 pints hot water and heat on low until dissolved. Stir in Washing Soda and Borax. Stir until thickened, and remove from heat. Add 1 Quart Hot Water to 2 gallon Bucket. Add soap mixture, and mix well. Fill bucket completely with additional hot water, and mix well. Set aside for 24 hours, or until mixture thickens. You may add additional HOT water if the mixture becomes too thick. Mix Well before each use. Use 1/2 cup of mixture per load. Makes 64 loads. Cost per load .03

Powdered Laundry Detergent
1 cup grated Fels Naptha Soap
1/2 cup washing soda
1/2 cup 20 mule team borax
Mix and store in airtight container or bag. For light or small loads, use 1 tablespoon. For normal loads, use 2 tablespoons. For heavy loads, use 3 tablespoons. Cost per load .15

To make a large batch - grate 6 bars of Fels Naptha Soap and then add 3 cups of Washing Soda and 3 cups of 20 Mule Team Borax. Mix well and store in covered container.

TIP: The above recipes will NOT make suds in your washer so don't be alarmed. Fels Naptha Soap is a pure soap and typically makes little or no suds in the water. This makes it perfect for use in the new HE washers as well as traditional washers. You will also notice the need to either reduce your laundry softener or in most cases you can even eliminate the use of softener completely, depending on your preference.

ANOTHER TIP: After this cools down it will be a huge mass o' congealed soap. Get your whisk out and get your hand down in that bucket and whiskwhiskwhiskYou will not be able to get this to be smooth like a store bought liquid. 
 whisk it enough to put it into another container using a funnel 
(mine is in an old orange juice container). 
When it's in the container  you can shake it up, that will help it break down even further. I usually have to shake it a little everytime I use it.....


  1. I have been making my laundry soap for a year now! It has saved me SO much money. I make a double batch and keep it in a plastic clear file box. I have only had to made soap twice this year and spent approx $15!!! That is the cost of one box of Tide. I only buy Tide now for my cloth diapers but now it goes a long way!! My recipe is slighly different though. I use one bar of Fels Naptha and two bars of Zote (which are huge bars). I have also found that if I will take my empty fabric softner container, fill it with half from a new bottle and add water. I then have two bottles for the price of one. My clothes still smell the same and feel just as soft. I do the same with dryer sheets (on occasion I will use them to freshen pillows and such), cut them in half. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I meant to say I made soap twice last year not this year. :)

  3. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? i was JUST thinking(which is rare) the other day that i need to try and make my own launrdy soap.


    BTW-where did you buy the Fels Naptha soap bar from?

    1. I got mine at walmart

    2. I found my, by accident, at Winco and I am glad to know I can find it at Wal-Mart too. Thanks!

  4. So where does one buy Fels Naptha Soap? I have never heard of it...

    1. I had never heard of it either, but once you find it you will see it everywhere, grocery store, Ace Hardware, etc.

    2. Jen, Fels Naptha has been around for years and years. My mom and grandmother used it.

    3. CVS also carry it.

  5. Yes! I too would like to know where to get Fels Naptha Soap!

    This is really cool. I'm going to try and make my laundry soap.

    Thanks for sharing!!!

  6. This sounds awesome. I can't wait to try it, thanks for the info.

  7. I just posted a similar post last week. Homemade is the only way to go. Such a money saver! :)

  8. I have been meaning to do this for the longest time, I've got a few recipes sitting there waiting for me, just got to do it now! Thanks for the 'prod'. Overseas you could use Sunlight or Ivory soap or another 100% pure soap instead of the Fels Naptha.

  9. wow what an amazing idea!Thank you for sharing, I was just thinking I HATE buying soap, we have two sets of twins 3 years old & 6 months and we (I) am doing a ton of laundry, but I hate bying the soap $$$ so I am gonna try this!

  10. THANK YOU, Thank You, thank you for posting this. I am excited to make some laundry soap and save some money! :)

  11. I would love the link to buy this bulk, thanks Maria

  12. When I was a kid we had to take Fels Naptha soap to camp because it's also great to wash the poison oak off your skin. I'm definitely going to try making this when I run out of laundry soap. Mimi

  13. I'm going to try this! I use Fels Naptha for a pretreater and one bar lasts forever! I've never heard of making it into liquid laundry soap!

  14. Thanks so much for sharing this!! Laundry detergent is so EXPENSIVE now and I am definitely going to try this!

  15. I have been doing this for awhile now also. I feel the need to add that we have VERY hard water. Because of this my whites were not getting white, and my clothes were not smelling clean. So to help, I read online to add more borax, and washing powder. I also add one scoop of sun(like oxyclean) to every load and soak my whites in it (no bleach) for 30 minutes before actually washing. Also I use vinegar as a fabric softener.
    Hard water is a pain!

  16. How cool is this! Hi, My name is Meme from Screaming Meme...I found you through Leslee...She put this post on her FB...It is so nice to meet you...Stop by my blog some time....It is a decorating to see you soon...Meme

  17. I add Mrs. Stewart's blueing to my whites occasionally. It helps remove yellowing and dingyness.

  18. A lot of my coworkers are doing this lately. I need to check it out. I have been using Melaleuca for several years. I love it! But I wish it was more affordable. I just might give this a try. Thanks:)

  19. A lot of my coworkers are doing this lately. I need to check it out. I have been using Melaleuca for several years. I love it! But I wish it was more affordable. I just might give this a try. Thanks:)

  20. I am sooooo glad that I found you on the blog crawl. Love your style and have spent hours looking at your blog, but, I am so thankful that I found you for the laundry soap. I have dogs that are allergic to everything, and I have been searching for a natural product, oh I have found some, but the price is just out of my range. I am going out tomorrow and getting everything. Thanks

  21. I'm so glad you posted this recipe. I've been meaning to make some, but misplaced the recipe I had. I'm pretty sure it was the same as this one, but your instructions are much more clear. Can't wait to try it!!

  22. I have been making my own laundry detergent for a few years. I love it. I now make the powdered kind. It is so easy and such a money saver.


  23. How can they sell slipcovers for that cheap. If I lived next to an Ikea I would have bought them out! And I thought 30.00 was a good deal..I still do but 11.00 would have been better..hehe

  24. Nice brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you seeking your information.

  25. great post. could you send me the soap place you bought from? thanks!

  26. where do you find the washing soda? i can't find it anywhere and have even looked when i am in utah.

  27. where do you find your washing soda? i can't find it anywhere and have even looked when i am in utah.

  28. I make my own cold press soap. I wonder if I could use it? Anyways...thank you for your post and the recipe.

    I too would like to know where to get the Fels Naptha to order and to see if my friends would like to try also :o) Thanks!

  29. I just made my first load of powdered detergent and have loved it so far. Would you please send me the link where you bought your bars from? Everywhere I have looked after shipping they have been well over $2.00 a bar. Thanks! Janessa

  30. Please email me where to buy the soap. Thanks Crystal

  31. This sounds great and I am just about out of laundry detergent anyhow. Could I get the link too? :)

  32. Okay, found the soap, but am having a hard time finding the soda. Any suggestions?

  33. Could I get the link to buy the soap in bulk, please! This is great, I can't wait to try it.

  34. Great idea! How does it smell?

  35. You should be able to buy the soap at your local Wal Mart.

  36. I found the soap ($.97) and the washing soda ($2.37) right next to one another on the laundry isle of Wal Mart near the stain removers. I plan to make this tomorrow. If the scent of the bar soap is any indication of the finished product it smells wonderful.

  37. Just made a small batch of the laundry detergent! So excited to use this! Just wondering if this could be used in the dishwasher too (either the dry or liquid)? Any ideas?

  38. Just made the small batch of the laundry soap & so excited to try it! It is cooling now! Just wondering if this could be used in the dishwasher either in dry or liquid form. Any ideas?

  39. my first load of laundry is in the wash right now with my first batch of homemade detergent.. Excited to see how it works.. I made my laundry soap last night and it didnt thicken. I put it in a large plastic tote and put the lid on it.. I wonder if the lid being on while it cooled is why it didn't thicken.. it still smells great and seems to be a good consistancy.. so we will give it a try..

  40. Can this be used in front load washers?

    1. I know I am not the author of this post but I have been using this recipe for laundry soap for over 10 years in a front load washing machine with no problems. Good luck!

  41. How do you grate the soap?

    1. A regular cheese grater works. I use the finer grate side.

    2. You don't have to grate the soap...cut it in 6 pieces, put it on a paper plate in the microwave for 3 minutes then food process it till it's a VERY fine powder ! AWESOME !!

  42. Ok so I am trying to figure out if I use this will my children break out? They have sensitive skin and it seems like it would be okay but I am nervous about the Fels! Please help!

    1. I also have super sensitive skin and started using this recipe to try to alleviate it. I use 1 1/2 bars Ivory soap instead of the Fels Naptha. I wasn't sure about the Fels but knew I could use Ivory. Works great! All the other ingredient amounts are the same. I also use white vinegar for fabric softener.

    2. Thanks for your reply, I was trying to figure out if switching soaps would be the same excange volume. I think I'm gonna try the powdered version and use 1 bar of Fels Naptha and two bars of ivory, that way I still have the extra power, but not enough that it should cause anyone a problem.

  43. I've been making homemade laundry soap for about three years. At first Walmart didn't carry the Felsnaptha or the washing soda .. then they had all three ingredients (bar soap/borax/washing soda) .. They had the best price too. But .. my walmart has stopped carrying it as they may have figured out laundry sales for the over priced stuff is down. Still, buying at a local grocery store at a higher price is still less expensive than any commercial brand.

  44. I, too, have made this for awhile; I prefer the dry mixture.
    Btw, more than 40 years ago, as teens, I & my siblings used Fels Naptha for our facial soap to help clear up acne!

  45. I've been making the powdered form (which I prefer) for some years now.
    I had to share, however, that more than 40 years ago, my siblings & I used Fels Naptha for our facial soap, to help clear up acne!

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. This may be a lame question, but I have to ask it . . . For the large batch of laundry detergent, how much water do you originally add to the grated soap? Is it part of the 4 1/2 gallons? Or is it additional water? Thanks!

  48. HELP!!! Day 1 (yesterday) I made the soap and washed with it.. It was great!! Day 2 (Today) it's totally congealed!!! Should I put it back on the stove or do I have to start all over again??

    1. I just give the bottle a shake to mix it up again.

  49. Found this recipe and made my first batch today. It smells good, waiting for it to cool to lade into containers

  50. Can you add those scent booster crystals to this to add scent?

  51. I just bought all the ingredients for this at my local Walmart. The bars of Fels Napha were 97 cents at the store. I can't wait to try this and start saving money.

  52. is this sensitive skin friendly? I get eczema if i use anything but a "free and clear" detergent...thx :)

  53. is this sensitive skin friendly? I am only able to use "free and clear"...also is it safe for septic?

  54. I use the purex (cheaper then the others)scent crystals in mine,,,1 cup of crystals to the 5 gallon bucket,,,smells awesome!!!

  55. you say grate 6 bars Fels Napha for a large dry batch... but that is 12 cups worth.. Do you mean grate 6 cups?..

  56. I just made my first batch of this laundry detergent but mine separated instead of congealing. I heated and stirred everything as directed. Has anyone else had this experience? I am really excited about using this detergent, just wondering if it is still going to be as effective where it didn't congeal.

  57. i made some yesterday and it turned out water thin. it didn't congeal over night. it's very soapy so it should still work but i want to know what you think because i've never used homemade detergent before.

    1. I have never had that happen before. I'm not sure what to tell you. I am sorry it didn't work out for you. Have you used it?

  58. Made homemade sosp like it said and just seperated ovet night. What do i do????

  59. I make the powdered version of the laundry soap, but add two more things. I add 1/2 cup Oxyclean and grate up a bar of Ivory or Dove soap (the extra bar of soap adds the bubbles to the laundry)and the Oxyclean gives it just a little more cleaning power. GREAT STUFF!

  60. Thank you for the small batch recipe. There are only 2 of us and we don't need the 5 gallon quantity.

  61. I made this detergent and I did a test of it's power. I had some concerns on how it cleaned so I did a little test.
    I took a piece of a white T-Shirt and stained it with Ketchup, Mustard, Chocolate and Coffee. I rubbed the stains in and let it dry. I then placed it in a normal load of laundry with a cup of this homemade detergent. I didn't pre-treat it or add any other additives to the detergent (like bleach). I used a normal permanent press cycle. I was actually impressed by how it cleaned. Of course some of the stains weren't completely gone but I think the results were just as good (if not better) than some of the store bought detergents - and at more than half the cost!!! I even posted pictures of the results on my FB page, my friends were impressed.

  62. I blogged about my awesome results about this detergent. I added pictures too - check it out

  63. Have been using for a few months now - LOVE IT!!!

  64. Mine comes out watery how can I thicken it up?

  65. To stir the bucket full, you might try a paint stir paddle on a drill.


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