Thursday, November 11, 2010

{ It's the Simple Things....}

Tonight I went with Jeannette & Jocelyn and watched 
The Phantom Of The Opera at Eastern Oregon University 
it was fabulous, & the cast did such a great job!! I'm so loving all the plays/shows that are put on locally! The time & effort that are put into these productions is amazing to say the least. For living in such a small community we sure do have lots of Theatrical talent living amongst us. I love it!
Thanks for the ticket Jeannette. :)
Then before I went home I ran to Wal-Mart and picked up some milk, bananas and ................GRANDMA SYCAMORE BREAD!!!
That's right I found it here!!!! 
Now stop laughing, I'm being totally serious.
I know for some of you this seems like no big deal. But I usually only get to buy this bread when we go to Utah and that's about 8 hrs from here. So finding it locally at Wally's, made this little Carbohydrate Loving Heart skip a beat!!! 
Yes it really is all about the simple things..... 
I think I'm going to go and make some toast and hot cocoa now... 
Goodnight. ;)


  1. Two of my favorites as well! So nice when the simple things in life bring such joy!

  2. I am so jealous... for both your treats.

    I miss G.'s bread. It is the best. Even my kids notice the difference.

  3. We stock up on Grandma Sycamores bread too when we go to Utah! Non other like it!

  4. I love our local productions too. We try to go a couple of times a year. That grandma sycamore's bread is addicting. Hope your toast had cinnamin sugar on it. Mimi

  5. Hope you enjoyed yourself! Do you have a tutorial for the fabric flower in your blog title?

  6. Rachel whenever I hear any phantom song I always think of you. Remember that retreat that you played the music over and over and over...well I do. hahahaha

    love your addicted to carbs too friend.

  7. Mmmm Grandma Sycamores! Luckily we have it here in Idaho Falls too, me and my hubby love that stuff! :)

  8. I love Grandma Sycamore's Bread!

  9. First, I did a double-take to see you went with Jocelyn to see Phantom. There aren't a lot of Jocelyn's out there these days, but I'm starting to hear of them more and more.

    Then, I did a double-take to see you were in Oregon. I just love finding "locals" in the blogosphere.

  10. Oh, how I wish we could get Grandma Sycamore's here!!

  11. And I thought I was the only one who broke down and cried in the aisle at Fred Meyer when they got Grandma Sycamore bread! I used to haul it back by the car full from UT too!

  12. That is so funny. We moved to Georgia from Utah and I can't find any bread better. You're lucky. I ended up making my own.


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