Remember me??
I've finally crawled out from under my pile of stitchery's & flu infected children and I just had to share this little goodie that's just too stinking cute NOT to make.
Brinley has been dying to get her hands on an American Girl doll but..... I can't bring myself to spend $100.00 on a D.O.L.L. Especially since she has just gotten interested in dolls in the last few months. We have spent time on the internet and found several look-a-like dolls for a 1/4 the price of AG.
You gotta love a girl with a wish list and the ability to be frugal like her mother and able to compromise.
While looking for doll info and trying to catch up on all my favorite blogs I happened upon this stinking cute bed from
Photo via Ana-White |
Which looks just like our bed that we made HERE.
If you have a little girl with an 18 inch doll how can you NOT want to make this cute little bed???
The plans are free and the directions easy to read.
Plus you get to use all your scrap lumber!!!
Here is the link to her site.
Photo via Ana-White |
All I can say is this is one 8 yr. old who hopes her wish list becomes a reality!
Have a Fabulous weekend!
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