Here is the tutorial I promised for making these stinking cute eggs.
I will add tips to the bottom of this post that I found helped me out while making these.
Thanks to my girl's Kim & Nanette for egging with me! ;)
Supplies you will need:
smooth cup to roll out clay
rubber letter stamps
tin foil
3 inch peat moss cup for the pail
you can get these in any garden center. I got a pack of 14 for $1.50
office hole punch
Click on the pictures to enlarge them
my egg's were about 1 1/4 inches long |
1. What clay did I use? Sculpey Clay.
2. To Make the Robin Egg Blue Color;
Mix a lot of White clay with a little Cobalt Blue & a tiny amount of Yellow. I rolled my eggs out with a solid plastic cup.
photo from: |
3. After wrapping the foil to help smooth out the clay (remove finger prints) set the egg aside and let it cool as the heat from your hands makes it a little too soft. After a few minutes you should be able to smooth out the clay by running your fingers along the length of the egg. If you find you have foil showing just add a little ball of clay over that spot and smooth out or remove and start over. I had to start over a couple times......
4. Stamping the egg:
Again, let it cool a little and using any rubber stamp lightly stamp each egg. I found that the stamp needed to be a little wet, so I used a wet wipe and just stamped on it - then stamped the letter on the clay. It will help the stamp NOT STICK to the clay.
5. Before baking it's a good idea to pierce it with a pin in a few inconspicuous places. This allows a way for trapped air to escape during baking. Sometimes it will form a mole like shape as the air has no where to go, yes I had this happen to some of my name eggs and I can tell you
(I didn't do this on all my eggs but better to be safe then sorry) You can speckle your eggs with a little watered down brown Tole paint & an old tooth brush and the tiny pin holes will blend in with the rest of the speckles.
6. Coloring in the letters: if you happen to goof like I did and accidentally get sharpie "outside" the lines. Take a tiny piece of FINE GRIT sandpaper and sand it ever so lightly off. You can use any color Sharpie, I wanted to use brown but I only had a fine tipped Black pen.
7. To make the Pail:
I use a Peat Moss Pot from Wal-Mart, filled with what ever filling you want then using a handheld office hole punch, punch 2 holes in the sides of the pot and add some ribbon for the handle.
Inspiration for these eggs came from here.
Here are eggs I did for my family:
If you have any other ?'s feel free to email me.
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