Saturday, September 15, 2012

{ Happy Birthday #42 }

Just a little shout out for my main man who turns 42 today. 
Love this man more then he knows. 
Glad he's mine forever.
Love you Babe & Happy Birthday! 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

{ 9/11 }

Our family will NEVER forget.
The following pictures were some I took with my phone at the
Tri-Cities  9.11 Memorial in Kennewick, Washington last month.

Seeing a part of what used to be one of the Twin Towers in tangible form is incredible.

To know that people built & walked among these pieces.
To know the strength that building had.
Then, to remember the hate that brought it down.

But being able to watch via the internet The National 9/11 Memorial being built from that hallowed ground in New York City, just goes to prove that the human Spirit may bruise, but it can never be broken.
Our thoughts & prayers go out to all the families affected by 9/11.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

{ She's Growing Up }

My baby will be 5 this Halloween and proof that she is growing up is in the following picture. 
Yup, that's right she went and lost her first tooth the night before she went back to school. 

Friday, September 07, 2012

{ First Day Mugshots }

I am a fiercely devoted mom who loves her kids.
But, School is a lovely thing.

Monday, September 03, 2012

{ Super Saturday Crafts }

I was asked to help again with Super Saturday this year, I've been struggling with what craft I should do. 
Here is the first craft I though about doing: Round 1
Then, I went through all the steps and decided that sewing was never going to happen on my watch while teaching a SS class. 
(I'd rather give birth naturally to a 9lb baby (i should know i have done it 2 times) 

Then I moved onto these 2 crafts from this Etsy Store: Round 2

But, sadly time wasn't on my side, nor the shipping prices for 6 sample pieces (3 of each, unfinished) now, if I were only ordering 1 piece I would have been golden. 

So, I decided to move onto the simpler side of things. 
Round 3- ding, ding. 
Here are the 2 items I will be teaching:
 The idea came from Jen, she is such a sweetheart and has some pretty rocking craft ideas along with some super cute 
Activity day ideas. 
Okay, so her blog is pretty much stocked with cute ideas. 
You can read her blog here: Cinnaberry-Suite.
I loved this Temple Silhouette from the first time I saw it, and decided, hey we could make this!
 I've been reading Clarendone Lane for a while now. This gal has such great style and her home decor is awesome, she also has an Etsy shop, so if you want to order a Salt Lake Temple Silhouette you can order them from her Etsy Store.

I pretty much went for more of a "use year round" type of craft, instead of going so holiday. The Big Boss's wanted more of a gift type craft so that's what they are getting. 

Are any of you attending a Super Saturday this year? 
What will you be making?

Well, I better run, we have a laundry list of things to get done today, 
these poor kids of ours are gonna wish they were in school today! 
We parents love a good holiday. :)