Okay, I'm just going to say it.....
i am not a real big fan of Mothers Day. in fact, for me it's just another day of the week.
i still cook, clean, and pick up after my kids just like i do 365 days a year.
but today's is mothers day, maybe today will be different... NOPE.
this morning i was yelled at by one of my teenagers. i know, i know, he's a teenager. it's comes with the territory.
but, then as i was driving the kids to church, i said out loud, after more yelled words from the one of my teenagers, how I hate this stupid holiday and that it's no different then any other day of the week for me.
then i quickly slide on my huge "celebrity style" sunglasses so my kids couldn't see the tears streaming down my cheeks.
was i acting like a child and having a pity party?
i guess, i was expecting more from my day. and i'm blaming the outburst on my hormones.
because i can...
i'm skipping church today to stay home with one of my kiddos. he's caught some dang cold bug and is coughing up his right lung.
i think i was home last year with another sick kiddo.
it's all very groundhog day to me.
i did manage to spent a few minutes online and i have to ask,
are all your Mothers Days as perfect as your instagram/facebook posts seem to be?
i hope they are, and part of me is completely jealous of the fact that MANY of you get breakfast in bed.
the closest i've ever come to breakfast in bed is, when we stay in a hotel and we walk down stairs for the free complimentary breakfast.
i will spend my "holiday" doing the following things.
no, i won't be cleaning my boys bedroom but it just makes me frustrated seeing all this mess.
loads of laundry, lots from having 7 people in our house and lots from the boys camp-out.
does anyone notice the cooler in the background?
apparently we now store the cooler in the laundry room.
don't get me wrong, i think it's great to have a day to celebrate all things Mother and
i do love being a mother to my kids.
i fiercely love all 5 of them
and i have found being a mother one of the hardest, & most rewarding jobs i've ever had.
do i feel rewarded everyday? nope.
but every once in a while one of more of my kids will remind me that i'm doing a pretty good job, most days.
being a mother has made me more grateful for my own Mother. she has done so much for me and still does. i want her to know that i love her very much.
i also love my Mother-in-Law because without her i wouldn't have my amazing husband and frankly she had a pretty big hand in how he turned out.
i ran across this photo yesterday while purging our "shop". this is 1 of maybe 2 pictures that i can think of that's just of my mom, my sister and me. it just made me stop and think about all the women in my life.
so, i'm going to buck up & slap a huge smile on my face and enjoy my "day". i mean the day's not over yet. it has to get better, right?!!
my hat is off to all you amazing mothers out there, i can only hope to aspire to be more like each and everyone of you more each day.
photo via web |
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