Thursday, May 09, 2024

Spring Gratitude

Hello friends, It's spring here in Eastern Oregon.

I finally felt it when I changed my sheets this morning and we went from flannel to cool crisp cotton. 

I opened one of the windows in my room as the sun was shining; (oh my allegies} and there was a warmish cool breeze, I hope my allergy pills kick in so I can just enjoy this brief moment of newness after days of rain and it being so dreary outside.

As I was doing chores this morning I got to thinking about all my blessings, maybe it's just me growing older and wiser (ha) and seeing all I have to be thankful for but I'm grateful for having windows in all the places where I spend the majority of my time, folding the laundry I'm able to look out into my front yard and see the Craft Shed my husband and sons built for me. Doing dishes I get to view the backyard and the alfalfa field in all its greenery.

 I’m grateful for this little farmhouse that we live in, it’s perfectly imperfect, yes her siding needs replaced/painted we need to pour a sidewalk and finish the porch railing, again - and so many other projects, but it’s kept us warm and safe for many years and that blessing is not lost on me. 


I'm grateful for my little life, I'm thankful for the opportunity & for my hard-working husband that I've never had to work outside the home, to be able to stay home with all my kiddos and tend to the work that means the most. 

I'm extra grateful for my children/grandsons. I've come to realize that all of our 'moments' seem to be passing us by even faster than they used to be. When the kids were younger the days & years seemed so long. Now, I totally feel that saying - you know the one, 

'The days are long and the years are short'.


 Today, all 6 of my kids are in different States/Cities. 

Jentry, Markelle & Krew are in Utah.

Parker, Mackenzie & Grayson are in Idaho.

Brinley is in Idaho for a college friend's wedding.

Corbin is serving a 2-year mission in North Carolina.

Addison is at a tennis match in Ontario, OR.

And Ledger is on a class field trip in Walla Walla, WA. 

Time & life are moving way too fast for this old gal but the life that I am living reminds me of this sweet quote that I've read over and over throughout the years and it's so appropriate for how I'm feeling today.

I think it's time I buy that cute saying for my little home. 

Gratitude, blessings, love whatever you want to call them, these are just the things I've been thinking about a lot lately, and how important it is for each of us to see the hand of the Lord and the tender mercies or blessings that he grants us each day, most of the time I don't feel worthy of such blessings as I am so flawed, but I know He doesn't see those flaws he only sees my potential and I know He is cheering me on to do even 1% better each day. 

So before you go to bed tonight write down 3 things that you realized were blessings to you before you turn off that light, it may surprise you to see how really good He is - that He is there and that there is still so much good in this world. 

Until next time,

Rachel B.

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